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  • Did you know that Observation Manager doesn't mess up your filesystem?
    No registry entries or the like are done by Observation Manager. All files
    can be found in the main installation directory. Only one small (~ 1kb)
    configuration file is stored in your users home directory under
    ".observationManager" called "config" 

  • Observation Manager stores your data in a free and open
    XML format called <OAL>. As your data belongs only to you,
    it should be stored in a free and open way. That's why <OAL>
    format is getting more and more popular!

  • To enter data in a correct daylight saving time format you've two options:
    Use only one format and correct your current time accordingly before you enter
    it into Observation Manager. Or you create two versions of one site. One version with
    a timezone that includes the DST and another one which doesn't.

  • Did you know that all deep sky observations you enter in Observation Manager
    are fully compatible with the data of the german Deep-Sky-List which contains
    hundreds of deep sky observations?
    Take a look at the Deep-Sky-List at:  (german only) 

  • You don't need to be a software engineer to join the Observation Manager team!
    We're always searching for translators, UI designers, XSLT experts, testers and many more.
    Just contact us when you think you could help! 

  • Observation Manager only requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4 or above.
    That enables Observation Manager to run on many platforms like Microsoft Windows, Unix,
    Linux, MacOS and many many more.

  • Did you know that moving your mouse over a date field will show you the corresponding julian date?

  • Did you know that you could change the language of Observation Manager during runtime?
    Currently Observation Manager supports english and german. If you want to change your
    language settings, goto menu "Extra"->"Preferences"->"Language"

  • Did you know that all optional fields in Observation Manager are labeled in italic?

  • Did you know that with a right-click on an observation (in the navigation tree on the left)
    you can generate HTML files for single observations?

  • Did you find a problem in Observation Manager?
    Report it on our projects website:
    -> Bugs -> Submit New 

  • Did you know that with a right-click on a session (in the navigation tree on the left)
    you can generate HTML files for single sessions?

  • Did you know that Observation Managers version consists of
    two parts? The first part (e.g. 0.8) represents the
    Observation Manager main version. The second part (e.g. 20) 
    indicates the used <OAL> schema version, which is used to
    persist your data in a standardized XML format. 

  • You can add Observation Manager to your Windows XP startmenu:
    Right-click on obs.bat->Create Shortcut
    Right-click on Shortcut->Properties->Change Icon   Select "om_logo.ico"
    Right-click on Shortcut->Rename  Change "obs.bat" to "Observation Manager"
    Drag&drop the shortcut first on the windows "Start" button and from there to
    the start menu